Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Day At The Park

I'm sure y'all are wondering what I do at the park all day. For starters we bring soccer balls, frisbees, badminton racquets and birdies, beach balls (for the little ones we interact with), volleyballs, and footballs. Then, when we get to the park, we get in groups of 3 or 4 and start playing. And soon enough you will catch a kid, or teenager, or young adult watching your group play, and you go over and talk to them and invite them to play. Through playing, you get to know them and have conversation! Every person we've talked to has come back the next day. It's crazy how once they know where the Americans are, they want to come back and play and talk! Any person under about 35 years old, here in Sofia, has learned English and school and is fairly well at speaking it, so that also opens a door because they like to learn English and want to know about our culture.

Of course we do talk to older people in the park, the conversations are more while they are passing through where we are sitting, or if we are playing cards. But it's mainly the younger adults and kids that we are building relationships with at the park. It's interesting how just inviting them to hit a volleyball around with you will lead to an hour or longer conversation. Before we part ways we give them a flyer a out the seminar the church is putting on this Saturday, but we also give them a flyer about us hanging out at the church every night from 6-9. During the evening time at church, we play card games and sing and have a devotional! And by the end, it's time for bedtime! And boy are we tired!

God has blessed us with many opportunities in speaking to people and inviting them to hang out with us. Tonight was the first night we had people show up, and we had 3 of them! It's not many, but it's a good start! The park we are at is one of the four big parks in Sofia, and is so beautiful! I have posted a few pictures in my "Sofia 2013" album on Facebook, but I will have many more to post when I get home!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Sofia so far...

To say that this trip has been uneventful would be a lie. So instead of thinking upon the negatives, I'll focus on the trip as a whole from when we got here!

The flights were long, but good! No problems there and we even got to watch free movies during our 8 hour flight. I watched Mulan, Peter Pan and listened to music along with sleeping for maybe an hour. Our flight into Sofia went good and probably had the most leg room and the comfiest seats, despite the turbulence we experienced during a section of the sky while going through a storm! I wasn't scared about the movement but thought it was kinda fun, but not everyone would think that. Okay, so we got into Sofia around 10:30 and got our bags (none of ours were lost, thank goodness) and Christo, Vania, Martin (the interpreter), and Jeff Shepard who is moving his family here in August picked us up at the airport. The last Arkansas group came in about 20 minutes after us and then we loaded up in a van and headed to the hotel. Since the other groups were already here and checked in, they were already asleep so we had to be quiet going into our rooms. Once settled I laid down and it all hit me, and to be honest like I said I would be, I cried. I cried for about a half hour because I just wanted to be home with my family. I was scared, lonely, and uncomfortable. Later to realize I would become comfortably uncomfortable.

I got good sleep the first night and we woke up and had breakfast early so we could start our tour of Sofia early enough to beat the heat. At 8 we set out on a walking tour of Sofia. Our guide and interpreter Martin, who speaks English very well, took us through tons of old churches, Mosques, and parts of town that had AMAZING history. One of the churches we visited was the first Christian church built in Bulgaria in the early 4th Century built by Constantine. It was made of brick and just standing in the courtyard made me feel blessed to be able to experience this type of history. Like there is actually a piece of history that old that I can touch and experience for myself. It was a very cool experience and one that most people don't get to experience. We took a break for refreshing drinks part way through and I was extremely thirsty despite drinking water the whole time, and peach tea was the best refreshing drink I could've chose. It just hit the spot! We continued the tour and saw much more of the city and then hopped on the bus, which is very different from the Unite States, and went to eat lunch. For lunch I had chicken in a blue cheese and Creme sauce and it was very delicious! We ten walked around a little strip mall to kill some time and then headed back to the hotel to rest. At 6 we met back up and dispersed in groups to get dinner so we didn't overwhelm one restaurant. We came back to the hotel and sang some songs and debriefed the day. All the time, besides taking the bus or metro, we are walking. And with the 90 degree heat plus lots of humidity, we aren't used to it.

The next day we woke up and met at 8:30 to start our drive to Plovdiv which is about a 3 hour drive or a little less, for this trip we took a charter bus. The day was hot again with lots of humidity. We walked around the city and saw an art museum and then went and saw a 2nd Century Amphitheater. It was amazing!! It was only the back rounded area but it was amazing! It also had an amazing echo so as a group we decided to start singing a few songs! We drew quite a crowd as you can guess because 30 people singing under an overhang in an amphitheater drew up some loud noise in a country where loud noises aren't common. Many locals came and listened and took pictures of us singing, but it was such a God moment, you just would've had to have been there. After that we went to lunch and then went on a walk (hike) up a hill in Plovdiv where we went to another old Amphitheater (I can't remember the details of it), but it was a beautiful place and one of the Bulgarian ladies that came with us sang an opera song and wow, it sounded beautiful! We then continued on our walk up the hill and went into many houses that were turned into museums and into some artisan stores. By the time we got to the top, it was HOT, but the view again was incredible. It's not everyday that you see views like these. The way back down the hill was fast, but when we got to the bottom, we found out that two of our members had gotten sick from heat exhaustion and were going to be needing IVs so an ambulance was on the way. Once the ambulance got there and was checking them out, most of the group, including me, went further down the hill and got ice cream. And let me tell ya, it was DELICIOUS! But would cost me later. Once finished with ice cream we found out that the ambulance was on its way to the hospital so the rest of us loaded up in our charter bus and headed to the hospital to wait around. It was ht, humid, and very tiring. We waited outside the bus on the side of a road for 2 hours before heading into toward the hospital where we found out there was a little cafe, seeing as how it was dinner time. Walking over to the cafe I was telling Tammi, one of the ladies from the Spokane group, about how my worst fear was getting sick in a foreign country. And Im not kidding you, as soon as I walked into the cafe, I started feeling bad, so all I ordered was a Sprite. As I sat down at a table, I started feeling worse and worse. I don't know how long we stayed there because I was out of it, but as soon as I stood up, I knew I would be sick. And I was. It was then and there that I realized I was no longer in control of the trip and that it was all on God, because my worst fear came true. I felt fine after the first time and walked back to the bus with the group. But as soon as I got back, and we were waiting outside if the bus, I got sick again. (The cafe was outside as well). It was  not fun and I just wanted to be home. I started crying and saying how I want to get on an airplane right now. I was not having it, but I knew deep down that everything would be okay and that God was in control. While we were waiting by the bus for the other two ladies to get out of the hospital, I had gotten very tired and delirious. I had gotten heat exhaustion as well. I was miserable. As soon as the bus driver got back to the bus and turned the air conditioning on full blast, I was done being sick and just needed to be in a cold and dark environment where I could sleep. And the bus was it. The Arkansas group was so nice and cleared out the back row so I could lay down and kept quiet. I couldn't thank them enough. I fell asleep and 3 hours later we were back in Sofia with the two ladies who had gotten released from the hospital. I went into some of the ladies from Northside's group and took a cold bath and then went to sleep. The brought all my stuff in their room and were very motherly. It was nice since my mom wasn't here. I slept all night and all the next day (being Sunday), I missed church and focused on resting. I woke up for short amounts of time on Sunday but mainly slept and ate goldfish and drank water and sprite. Then that leads us to today.

Today I woke up and felt much better, I went down and ate a pice of toast and a kiwi. I felt we'll enough so I decided I would get dressed and head to the park for as long as I could handle. We took the city bus to the park and set up in a shady area under some trees and began playing games in small groups. I sat an watched for awhile as the walking around the park tired me out. Once I got energy, I started playing with a little boy who the group had met him and his mom last year. His name was Tyce (not sure on spelling) and he was the CUTEST little boy! He wanted to kick a beach ball back and forth and bounce it, which was good because its all I had the energy to do! He would giggle every time it got to me, and boy oh boy did he have an adorable giggle! It made my day, especially since I felt well for the most part. Once he and his mom left I played a game with the Arkansas kids called Kill Ball. It was fun and if I had more energy I would've played it more! A group and I then went and found something to eat and by the time I had taken a few bites of grilled chicken, which was mighty tasty, I was full and got tired. Once finished with lunch we headed back to the group and I waited for Tammi and Marti and Mike and told them I was tired and we went on our way back to the hotel. We wanted to go on a little adventure, so we tried the Metro, and thanks to Mike, we had much success and we got on the rights metros underground and got back to the hotel! I took a shower and am now writing this. Phew! I'm so glad I'm caught up in writing this and am now going to take a nap before our singing and devotional tonight.

It has been a trip with many ups and downs, but it has been a beautiful trip and I can't wait to feel 100%.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Twas the Night Before the Trip

Twas the night before my trip and all the through the house, not a creature was stirring, except Taylor Ray.... Well it sounded good but I couldn't keep going with it. But anyways I haven't slept much the last 3 nights and I didn't eat dinner tonight because I couldn't eat. I just ate some pretzels but that's all. 

Today I had a hair appointment and went out to coffee with Anna and let me tell you, those two things were quite possibly the best things I could've done the day before leaving, besides shopping for last minute stuff and packing. I got my hair washed and blowed dried and straightened and I almost fell asleep! It was so relaxing and felt good to have my head massaged. Anyways, going to coffee just to talk about nothing at all for over two hours was also very relaxing and comforting. I definitely recommend a haircut and coffee with a friend before any trip. My worries were gone, I wasn't think about the trip, but I was thinking about getting myself ready. 

I did a lot of praying in my head today and as the night wore on, I really starting getting nervous an feeling overwhelmed....and then I get not one, not two, but four encouraging messages from friends saying that they're thinking about me, will be praying, and hoping I have a good time! Oh and a request for lots of pictures! You know who you are, so if you're reading this, know that your words came at the best time! It was definitely God reassuring me. Another friend, after I expressed I was becoming overwhelmed sent only a few words back, but they meant a whole lot. It went something the lines of "don't be stressed, God's got it :)" and to hear that from a close friend meant a lot because she knew I was starting to freak out and that I just needed to re-evaluate my thinking, and everything would be okay! And it was! Thank you Anna for those words! 

Anyways, I best be getting some sleep as I still have to run to the store tomorrow morning to pick up some last minute slip on shoes since I don't have any. Thank you for your support and encouragement! I will be boarding a plane in exactly 12 hours.... HOLY COW!!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Getting one in the morning.

So it's one in the morning and I'm wide awake. Not only that but it's over 80 degrees in my room and my mind is going crazy. I have ALL my laundry done and am probably half way packed. Mom and I went shopping today for some little stuff but important things! Lets just say Bed, Bath, and Beyond has a great selection of travel sizes of everything I needed! Including individual packets of detergent for a sink full of water! I definitely bought some of those.

Seeing as how I'll be gone for two weeks, I am ONLY packing enough clothes for one week and will be washing my clothes every so often. And to find those little packets was quite exciting for some reason. It may be because I like to experience things in a way that I'm not use to, and not doing laundry in a washer and dryer, I think, will be quite fun! But that's besides the point.

As I lay here not being able to sleep, I can't stop myself from thinking about the trip. I know it'll be an amazing, God-filled experience, but I am also terrified of leaving the states without my family or the youth group. I have never been on a trip longer than 3 days without one of those groups. I would like to say I'm trusting God with my nervousness, but I'm not. I'm having a hard time letting go of the drivers seat and letting God guide me through this experience. I know I haven't even left yet, but prepping myself for what's to come is taking a lot out of me and I have pounds and pounds of butterflies in my stomach. Therefore, I ask for your prayers. Not only for the safety of the team and I, not only for Bulgaria as a country and for the hearts of the people we'll be working with, but for me. I can't describe it all in words, but I'm feeling overwhelmed. And not just with getting ready, but with the actual trip as well.

When I first heard about this opportunity I was the first to jump on the bandwagon. I longed for an experience to change my life and to be given the opportunity to plant the Word of God in someone else's life. It's up to God to do the rest of the work, but as Christians we are called to be planters. I myself cannot change someone's life, but I live for a God who can. Now that the trip is here, I am overwhelmed with butterflies both good and bad. Without the tremendous support I received, I would not be able to feel at peace in knowing that I raised enough money and put in my own time and effort, to be able to go spread God's love to the people I will come in contact with in Bulgaria! I am incredibly thankful for the donations everyone has donated and all the prayers that have been prayed in preparation for my trip and the others going with me. Part of me is downright ecstatic to be going and talking about what God has done in my life and studying the Bible with people, but part of me is holding back. And I have no idea what it is that's holding me back but tonight as I lay here, I pray that it goes away.

I want to be able to talk openly about God to anyone I come in contact with and I want to be free in knowing God is putting me where He needs me and I am able to be the hands and feet of Christ. But something is holding me back. As the days draw closer and I lay here awake still, I ask that you pray for me. I'm nervous, I'm scared, but Im excited and happy, I can't wait to see where God takes me in just two days.

P.S. As you know this was written at one in the morning so I apologize if parts of it didn't make sense or if I seemed scatter brained. I'm not a writer and never have been. But I want to look back years from now and remember how I felt leading up to my first big mission trip and how the trip went. So I hope you stay for the journey and enjoy reading my randomness.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Beginning of a Blog

Well, it's almost here. After a year of waiting, I can finally start packing for my trip to Bulgaria. All the money is raised, plus some. Passport is taken care of. And I'm done with school for the summer! This experience of a lifetime will begin in just 6 days and 1 hour. I will get on a plane and become the hands and feet of God like I've never experienced before.

If some of y'all don't know, I am going to Sofia, Bulgaria on a two week mission trip where my group and I will be helping the small church that is over there by outreaching, holding bible studies, seminars, and I've even heard we're going to a gypsy camp. While I am over there I will be able to update this blog, so make sure you keep looking back as I will try my best to post every other day or so.

For now I hope you become a follower of this blog and I ask that you keep my team and I in your thoughts and prayers. I am ecstatic to have this opportunity and I know I will come back a changed person.

I'm off to do some laundry so I can begin packing! :-)