Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Twas the Night Before the Trip

Twas the night before my trip and all the through the house, not a creature was stirring, except Taylor Ray.... Well it sounded good but I couldn't keep going with it. But anyways I haven't slept much the last 3 nights and I didn't eat dinner tonight because I couldn't eat. I just ate some pretzels but that's all. 

Today I had a hair appointment and went out to coffee with Anna and let me tell you, those two things were quite possibly the best things I could've done the day before leaving, besides shopping for last minute stuff and packing. I got my hair washed and blowed dried and straightened and I almost fell asleep! It was so relaxing and felt good to have my head massaged. Anyways, going to coffee just to talk about nothing at all for over two hours was also very relaxing and comforting. I definitely recommend a haircut and coffee with a friend before any trip. My worries were gone, I wasn't think about the trip, but I was thinking about getting myself ready. 

I did a lot of praying in my head today and as the night wore on, I really starting getting nervous an feeling overwhelmed....and then I get not one, not two, but four encouraging messages from friends saying that they're thinking about me, will be praying, and hoping I have a good time! Oh and a request for lots of pictures! You know who you are, so if you're reading this, know that your words came at the best time! It was definitely God reassuring me. Another friend, after I expressed I was becoming overwhelmed sent only a few words back, but they meant a whole lot. It went something the lines of "don't be stressed, God's got it :)" and to hear that from a close friend meant a lot because she knew I was starting to freak out and that I just needed to re-evaluate my thinking, and everything would be okay! And it was! Thank you Anna for those words! 

Anyways, I best be getting some sleep as I still have to run to the store tomorrow morning to pick up some last minute slip on shoes since I don't have any. Thank you for your support and encouragement! I will be boarding a plane in exactly 12 hours.... HOLY COW!!!!

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